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This evening I sat outside in shorts by a low burning campfire in peace. It was a perfect night, after a great Outdoor Club hike and cookout in our magnificent backyard (aka Mt Tom), after a not-so-bad day. Not-so-bad is as good as it gets in my book so it was a good day. Monday was a bad day; today not-so-bad. We had the more exquisite and unusual weather for our hike. It was 70's and sunny for most of the time and the forest was ablaze below us as I demanded a decent margin between the teens and the edge of the cliffs. Stunning, actually. It was.

So then once everyone was gone and the mayhem died down I sat staring at the small campfire and listened. There were no bugs to bite me. Just the crackling fire, the crickets and evening bugs chirping, wind in the trees, and the occasional creepy snap or crack in the woods. Well, and cars and some sort of fighter jets for a bit. I sat in shorts feeling the heat from the fire on my bare legs. And no bugs to eat my bare skin. That's the beauty of late fall warmth: the frost has done its job and all that is left can be enjoyed.

I sat there for almost an hour until the peace lulled me to the point of continuous yawns and it finally started sprinkling. It had held off all through the events. Then it was time to go in.

in progress paintings

I  have been painting, which has been wonderful. I have even begun playing with my colored wax and it leaves me perplexed, so I need to get out of my comfort zone and play around more. Experiment! Soon. But this (and the one at the top) is what I have finished lately.


missing (u)

the painting I made for my sis-in-law to take with her to the Peace Corps in Rwanda (4"x4"...she was trying to fit a lot in)

falling and rising

a bad day


Feeling good most of the time. Busy as ever and more, but trying to ride the waves....never was good at surfing.

an experiment with colored wax...it's ok. room to grow.



driving on thanksgiving

Feast for the Senses