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Feast for the Senses

The very next day after I lounged on Rattlesnake Mountain I returned to my classroom and also returned to a pile of shirts to make for the BUST Craftacular at the Maker Faire in Queens, NY that was this past weekend. Hence why I am just now posting about these wonderful things.

We started our time in NYC with a trip to Manhatten to meet up with Louise and Beth. We had a quick visit over beer and pulled pork before heading to my wonderful cousin Athena's place in Brooklyn.

athena and trevor

our booth

Despite slow traffic in our area of the faire, being at the Maker Faire was inspiring and boosting in its own way. We made friends with our neighbor vendors and saw men run around in gold hot pants directing a chariot that looked like a giant squid. Fabulous! I particularly liked the wildly creative entertainment of the Hungry March Band, the Madagascar Institute, seeing Eepy Bird in person, and the Life Size Mousetrap. The electronics, robots, inventions and crafts were great, but this is what caught my fascination and got my clicker finger opening the shutter.

hungry march band

one of many madagascar institute attractions

eepy bird: coke and mentos

partial cast of life size mousetrap

No wonder I am tired. What a full couple weeks. Sheesh. Hopefully I satisfied my creativity well for a while because I am beat and haven't been to the gym in far too long! And I want to paint with the wonderful new wax palette and colored wax I got. Exciting things to create.


Moments To Hold Close