1 field trip down, 4 to go.
30 weeks down, 10 to go.
I like to tell myself that my art and my teaching balance me and that I would never be complete with just one or the other. In truth, I just feel split in two. When I fully focus on one area, the other suffers...or my health suffers. I have not read a single art blog in over 3 weeks. I don't even know where the last 3 weeks have gone...or do I? Symbiosis skits, 5 field trips planned, physical therapy, migraines, planning a trip to the UK, MCAS, and rock climbing. That is where the time went. I am sewing still, but there has been no paint, no shirts, and no new designs.
And ignoring school is what brought me to these past stress-filled weeks. I ignored grading and paperwork and paid for it in worrying this week as I stalked the main office waiting for that paperwork to be approved.
Its not that I feel I have to figure out what to do about being split. I am learning to trust the process of life and the journey planned. I just feel split like a little seed. I have potential, my life ahead of me and all that, but I am two seperate cotyledons in a little shell with a sprout headed up and out of the soil. Reflecting more on the dicot seed I am realizing that as the seed goes on with its life those two cotyledons often become the first leaves and slowly bring forth the mature adult plant. I don't know what that means. All I know is that I feel like a little dicot seed with two distinct parts as I continue on towards the sun.
To Do Tomorrow (I have Good Friday off; yay for catholic cities!)
Post Bulb Show and Terrain Photos
Find projector to purchase for youth group
Finalize retreat plans
Grading (darn it!)
Clean out fridge
Buy gas mask to use while cleaning out fridge
Take dogs hiking
Figure out Easter meal plans
Wash pots (every single one is dirty...)
30 weeks down, 10 to go.
I like to tell myself that my art and my teaching balance me and that I would never be complete with just one or the other. In truth, I just feel split in two. When I fully focus on one area, the other suffers...or my health suffers. I have not read a single art blog in over 3 weeks. I don't even know where the last 3 weeks have gone...or do I? Symbiosis skits, 5 field trips planned, physical therapy, migraines, planning a trip to the UK, MCAS, and rock climbing. That is where the time went. I am sewing still, but there has been no paint, no shirts, and no new designs.
And ignoring school is what brought me to these past stress-filled weeks. I ignored grading and paperwork and paid for it in worrying this week as I stalked the main office waiting for that paperwork to be approved.
Its not that I feel I have to figure out what to do about being split. I am learning to trust the process of life and the journey planned. I just feel split like a little seed. I have potential, my life ahead of me and all that, but I am two seperate cotyledons in a little shell with a sprout headed up and out of the soil. Reflecting more on the dicot seed I am realizing that as the seed goes on with its life those two cotyledons often become the first leaves and slowly bring forth the mature adult plant. I don't know what that means. All I know is that I feel like a little dicot seed with two distinct parts as I continue on towards the sun.
To Do Tomorrow (I have Good Friday off; yay for catholic cities!)
Post Bulb Show and Terrain Photos
Find projector to purchase for youth group
Finalize retreat plans
Grading (darn it!)
Clean out fridge
Buy gas mask to use while cleaning out fridge
Take dogs hiking
Figure out Easter meal plans
Wash pots (every single one is dirty...)