Tiny Art: How To Collect Art on a Small Budget
There are many, many things we would buy if we had more money. I say it all the time. I know you do too. Art is often one of those things that we put into the category of “only for the wealthy,” but nothing could be further from the truth.
How do we collect art on a tight budget?
Tiny art is a great way to start.
More and more artists are producing tiny pieces of work to make it easy for art appreciators to start collecting their work. Tiny work ranges from super tiny - as in the Strike Away Show in 2015 - to the commonly-used one-foot panels. You can find tiny art in high-end galleries and in local coffee shops. You can find tiny art in exclusively-tiny art shows and mixed into local solo and group shows. Pick something small that you love and hang it somewhere you will see it every day.
The point: tiny art makes it easy for you to start collecting. Tiny art has a low price-point and you don’t have to rearrange your whole house to find somewhere to hang it. You get to deepen the experience of enjoying your home decor and supporting the arts while keeping within your budget.
As my small art collection is still growing, I reached out to a few friends who already have beautiful tiny art collections to hear about how they started and how they choose the pieces for this collection. This is the first post in a series I will be doing.
Next post on Thursday will be with art collector, Linda Robertson! Stay tuned.
Do you already collect tiny art?? I want to hear from you! I would love to write about your collection and why you think tiny art is a great thing to support.
Contact me here if you have a tiny art collection you want me to feature!