a sign up in NHI always swore I wouldn't ice climb. Ice moves, ice melts, ice is not rock. It just seemed too dangerous. But my husband, Ben, got into it and last year convinced me to try it. And I loved it. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. When else can you strap spikes to your feet and send pointy objects swishing throught the air? Does wonders for getting out aggression!
ice in Keene, NH
bundled up and happy
So this year we have been climbing. Me far less than Ben, but I've gotten out a few times. A couple weekends ago we headed up to the Whites in Northern New Hampshire. I love it up there. And after falling a couple times due to inadequate boots we finally bought me a pair of ice climbing boots. They're really sweet.
texaco amphitheater
while shooting the photo left, the photo right shows what I was standing under!
ben repelling after set up; me climbing
the 160' slab at cathedral we led; i seconded