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Shutesbury Shirt from b+j greene

This past Saturday I finished the first batch of the first b+j greene hometown shirt: the Shutesbury Shirt.


I needed to set up a formal "line" of shirts to streamline production (rather than make each shirt totally different, requiring each item be photographed and described individually). I am naming each shirt after a town I have lived in or near.


This first shirt, Shutesbury, is named after the town I lived in from age 9 through half of college.  It is a beautiful place and I spent many many beautiful days observing, listening and daydreaming in the woods that surrounded my house.

Its description reads: 
shutes-bird_shoulder1Shutesbury, Massachusetts is a small, rural town just northeast of the college town of Amherst. As a child I spent my days in Shutesbury sitting by the beaver pond, eating wild berries, giving streams romantic names like "Dale O' Misty Dreams," and lying on the roof of our shed watching the birds fly overhead. I created the Shutesbury Shirt to capture the feeling of living in the woods as a child (who has time to watch the birds fly).

This is an off-white/natural long sleeve, scoop neck shirt made from 100% organic cotton. It is stenciled with images of a flock of birds across the right shoulder and embellished with three green leaves stitched with golden-yellow thread on the left shoulder.

I have three of these available at this time (medium, large, and xlarge). The shirt shown is a medium. They are available on our etsy store: bandjgreene.etsy.com 


R.I.P. Inspiration