We believe Independent Schools have the potential to change the world.

One Day Back

It is amazing to me how one day can fly by without a single nod to sanity.

That sentence came to me and stuck with me on my drive home. The day really didn't fly by. I have to readjust all over again to repeating myself 5 times every day. The repeating really wears on me, but I supposed preping for two classes would be just as hard. By period 3 I was wondering when it would end and asking myself "do I seriously have to say that all 3 more times?" At the same time I suddenly found myself in homeroom clicking into my role of giving directions to sit and listen to the announcements and listening to my little elves tell stories of their vacations. In a way, a school-day always feels like it flies by because it leaves no time to think about anything at all outside of the concrete blocks and whispy dreams of a more organized and equiped classroom.

At least I get to spend quality time with my favorite bunch of kids tomorrow...the Outdoor Club is going rock climbing! Sweet!


New Year and Back to Mayhem