Today another teacher implied that idealism is a thing of the young and fades with time. Her tone I thought further implied that idealism is like an ink spot that we would hope would fade with time, but maybe that was just me.Then I went to a jazz concert and the music was uplifting and spoke a meaningful language. Then the musician, Sean Jones, said that his 5th grade band teacher changed his life by giving him 2 Miles Davis CDs. Then he gave a heartfelt message to all educators to keep going strong because our students love us, look up to us, and need us. And we do make a difference.Too many voices. 90% at school are negative, complaining, and jaded. The negativity wears me out more than the kids sometimes. Sarcasm is the worst.I will believe Sean Jones...I will believe Sean Jones...I will believe Sean Jones...I will believe Sean Jones...I will believe Sean Jones...I will believe Sean Jones...I will believe Sean Jones...I will believe Sean Jones...I will believe Sean Jones...